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Interactions are the building blocks of really any form of action with your bot. They hold the information of what action was exactly performed on what, when, and where. Most closures in DDBKit will provide you an InteractionExtras object to interpret and take information from, such as input to a command’s options.

Responding to commands

You respond to command interactions in the closure of a command.

Command("ban") { interaction in
guard let target = await interaction.getUser(from: "target") else { return }
try await interaction.client.banUserFromGuild(
guildId: (interaction.interaction.guild?.guild_id)!,
payload: .init()
try await interaction.respond {
Message {
Text("✅ Banned user!")

Responding to components

You react to clicks of a button, or selecting of items in a menu, in a component closure of a command.

.component(on: "ping") { interaction in
try? await interaction.followup {
Message {

Responding to modals