Commands are actions with parameters (options) users can call to trigger something. For example, you could have a
command, with an option of which user to ban.
Command("ban") { interaction in guard let target = await interaction.getUser(from: "target") else { return }
try await interaction.client.banUserFromGuild( guildId: (interaction.interaction.guild?.guild_id)!, userId: target.id, payload: .init() ).guardSuccess()
try await interaction.respond { Message { Text("✅ Banned user!") } }}.description("Ban a user.").addingOptions { UserOption(name: "target", description: "The target user to ban") .required()}.integrationType(.all, contexts: .all).isUsableInDMS(true)
Adding Commands
Add commands by extending your bot’s type with Groups.
extension MyNewBot { var utilityCommands: Group { Command("hello") { interaction in try await interaction.respond(with: "..world") } }}
Then, within your entrypoint file, add it to your bot’s body.
struct MyNewBot: DiscordBotApp {...var body: [any BotScene] { utilityCommands}...